Tagged: trending

Alaa Hammad

Twitterstorms are back! Alaa Hammad, political prisoner in Israeli jail

Unfortunately, Twitterstorms for Palestinian political prisoners do not go out of fashion. The reason for this is that the racist Zionist state continues to violate the human rights of Palestinian political prisoners, even including those who do not fall under their false and illegitimate ‘jurisdiction’.   Campaigning is now on for Alaa Hammad, Palestinian Jerusalemite with a Jordanian citizenship, who...

Samer Issawi

Twitterstorms continue: an end to misunderstandings about time zones

Yesterday, the Twitter actions initiated by the Free Samer Issawi Campaign met with some unforeseen confusion. In the USA, the clock was turned back to summer time, so the Campaign which is based in the United States went online to tweet one hour earlier in comparison to other time zones.   To avoid a repeat of this confusion, it has...

Hip-Hop ondersteunt Palestijnse hongerstakers

door Sadika Arab, oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd op Wijblijvenhier Ik schreef al eerder over Samer Issawi, die inmiddels al zover is dat hij maar liefst 200 dagen in hongerstaking is. De wilskracht waarmee hij zich tegen zijn onrechtmatige gevangenschap verzet, is typerend voor de volhardende houding van het Palestijnse volk onder de Israëlische bezetting. Ondertussen krijgt Samer wereldwijd steeds meer steun, zoals...