Tagged: support

Samer Issawi Wins !

Samer Issawi Wins! Thank you Twitterstormers! Overview of your hard work

You must have heard it by now: Samer Issawi, in an incredible victory over his Zionist oppressors, has managed to force the Israeli military occupation on its knees with nothing but an empty stomach, and make them accept a deal to release him. He will be released on December 23, 2013, and has agreed to end his 278 day hunger...

Roger Waters

Roger Waters clarifies his position on the boycott – IN SUPPORT!

Here is some really good news to report. Roger Waters has published a response on Facebook, clarifying misunderstandings that had arisen after his Huffington Post interview. Read the open letter here, if you want to have an idea of how the interview was interpreted. This excellent post, however, sets the record straight: In response to all the misinterpretations of my...

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Milestone: 30,000 likes on the Doc Jazz FB page

On September 24, 2011, we were able to announce that the number of people liking the Doc Jazz page on Facebook crossed the 15,000 line. Now, roughly one and half year later, we are happy to inform you that this number has doubled! A short while ago, the counter passed the 30,000. In appreciation of this support, Doc Jazz returns...