Tagged: songs

Doc Jazz: verzetsmuziek voor mensen met verfijning

De Musical Intifada werd blij verrast door dit mooie blogje van Frederick Mullins, natuurkundeleraar uit het zuiden van Engeland. Vandaar dat zijn oorspronkelijke versie in het Engels hier in het Nederlands vertaald is. Dank je wel Fred! Recent heb ik besloten om het antwoord te verkrijgen op een vraag die mij zolang als ik me kan herinneren al dwars heeft...

Doc Jazz song directory

  This is the Doc Jazz song directory. Clicking on the name of the song will open a new window or tab that automatically streams the song and has links to lyrics, download, and widgets. The more often a link is clicked, the higher up it gets on the list. Doc Jazz’s recording skills improved over time, so you will...

Palestine and why music matters

I have been promoting the Palestinian cause through my music since the last of months of the year 2000, with the project that I call the ‘Musical Intifada’. Throughout these years this campaign has seen ups and downs, but overall there has been a steady increase in followers and supporters. There can only be one reason why I have kept...

NEW: historical timeline of Doc Jazz’s Musical Intifada

The Musical Intifada has added a new feature to the website: a historical timeline powered by Dipity.com.   For those who are new to the website, it can provide a perhaps interesting insight into how things came about, and what brought us to where we are today.