Tagged: share

Put ‘HUNGRY’ – the song for Samer Issawi – on #1 in the charts !

Thanks to supporters from around the world, the song ‘HUNGRY’ which is dedicated to Samer Issawi and the other Palestinian hunger strikers in Israeli incarceration has been rising in the HipHop Charts on Soundclick.   If you click on the image, a larger version of it will appear, and you will see that it is a screenshot of the charts,...

Doc Jazz hits the Sound Cloud

Doc Jazz hits the Sound Cloud

Good news for all you Soundcloud fans out there: Doc Jazz has finally joined the hype ! You probably already knew it, but Soundcloud has become one of the most popular ways of sharing and listening to music. If you spend your time browsing Soundcloud and checking out the tunes, and you happen to like the music of Doc Jazz,...