Tagged: revolution

Mona Eltahawy Speaks To J-Street, But Who Is She Speaking For?

Mona Eltahawy Speaks To J-Street, But Who Is She Speaking For?

Reproduced from Ikhras.com. Although the Musical Intifada mainly presents original articles, it occasionally posts articles from other websites. Mona Eltahawy who takes pride in being “the first Egyptian journalist to live and to work for a western news agency in Israel” was a big hit at this year’s J-Street gathering.  This is a video of her opening remarks at the...

In celebration of the Egyptian Revolution: 14 songs for free!

(Note: this offer has expired on Feb 18th) To celebrate the amazing victory of the Egyptian people over dictatorship, 14 of Doc Jazz’s songs have been made available for free download ! The songs are: Positive Effect – Wake Up! – We Resist (Free Palestine) – Falasteen (el 3alam) – Intifada – Free Jerusalem – The Wall Must Fall –...

إذا الشّعْبُ يَوْمَاً أرَادَ الْحَيَـاةَ – الشاعر التونسي ابو القاسم الشابي

إذا الشّعْبُ يَوْمَاً أرَادَ الْحَيَـاةَ – الشاعر التونسي ابو القاسم الشابي

إذا الشّعْبُ  يَوْمَاً  أرَادَ   الْحَيَـاةَ          فَلا  بُدَّ  أنْ  يَسْتَجِيبَ   القَـدَر   وَلا بُـدَّ  لِلَّيـْلِ أنْ  يَنْجَلِــي               وَلا  بُدَّ  للقَيْدِ  أَنْ   يَـنْكَسِـر   وَمَنْ  لَمْ  يُعَانِقْهُ  شَوْقُ  الْحَيَـاةِ          تَبَخَّـرَ  في  جَوِّهَـا   وَانْدَثَـر   فَوَيْلٌ  لِمَنْ  لَمْ   تَشُقْـهُ   الْحَيَاةُ           مِنْ   صَفْعَـةِ  العَـدَم  المُنْتَصِر كَذلِكَ  قَالَـتْ  لِـيَ  الكَائِنَاتُ              وَحَدّثَنـي  رُوحُـهَا    المُسْتَتِر  

Song of the week, in support of the people of Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen: Positive Effect!

Song of the week, in support of the people of Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen: Positive Effect!

All Arabs in the world are watching the developments in Tunisia, Egypt and Yemen, and admiring the courage of the people to stand up for their rights and their freedom! They are joined by all those in the global community who believe that no people should suffer oppression and injustice.   To celebrate the new Arab awakening, this week’s free...