Tagged: racism

The Squad

Trump’s blunder empowers The Squad and unites anti-racists

We have come to live in disconcerting times of unpredictable change. Ever since the USA elected a Twitter-addicted President into power, the world has been in a continuous state of imbalance. While it may seem as if everything only plays into the hands of ‘Israel’ and its Western allies, it would be wise not to draw that conclusion too quickly....

Zwarte Piet/Black Pete

Racism in the Netherlands: the world is watching

This article is a modification for English-speaking readers of the Dutch original which was published a few days ago on the Dutch website Wijblijvenhier, where it was received with over 1800 Facebook-likes within a little over 24 hours.   By Tariq Shadid – All of a sudden, racism in the Netherlands has become a subject of regular and open debate....

Nakba-denial: whitewashing Zionist crimes

By Tariq Shadid – Remember the old days, before the Oslo accords, when we all knew what it meant to be pro-Palestinian? In those days, there was barely any disagreement on what should be the aim of the struggle: one democratic state for all, that makes no distinction on the basis of ethnicity or religion, with Jerusalem as its capital,...

Unity and the art of keeping it together

Unity and the art of keeping it together

What better way to defeat an enemy than to cause a situation which has its ranks divided, and seeing its energy unleashed by one faction upon another, followed by tit-for-tat retributions, in an unending cycle of mutual destruction? Watch those who support one common cause going at each other’s throats, and you will find yourself faced with a very difficult...