Tagged: israeli

BREAKING: Canadian & Irish ships challenge Israel’s illegal blockade

BREAKING: Canadian & Irish ships challenge Israel’s illegal blockade

The Canadian ship Tahrir and the Irish ship Saoirse have successfully reached international waters, marking the start of the Freedom Waves to Gaza campaign. The boats are currently in the Mediterranean Sea, on their way to Gaza.   “Flowing out of the Freedom Flotillas, the Freedom Waves to Gaza are now underway,” says Canadian Boat to Gaza organizer Ehab Lotayef...

Salute to the Flagman!

We live in very difficult times … we live in a time where sowing death and destruction with the most horrendous weaponry upon civilians is deemed acceptable by leaders in the Western World and elsewhere, who dress up in suits, attend fancy banquets and diners, and proudly brag to one another about their refined ‘civilization’.   Gaza is being bombed...

Boats, Boycotts and Backdoor Politics

Boats, Boycotts and Backdoor Politics

By Tariq Shadid Like it or not, we are living in messy times, and the Middle East, bridge between three continents, is the region where many of the historical events of this troubled era are unfolding. The present chaotic situation also has a considerable impact upon the Palestinian struggle for liberation and independence, making it nearly impossible to view this...

Julian Assange praises Netanyahu – for praising Wikileaks

Julian Assange praises Netanyahu – for praising Wikileaks

On December 2, 2010, Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz published an article quoting Wikileaks founder Julian Assange in full praise of Benjamin Netanyahu, “as an example of a world leader who believes the publications will aid global diplomacy.” The statements made by Julian Assange corroborate earlier suspicions that drew attention to the peculiar position of Israel in the storm of events following...