Tagged: guitar

Doc Jazz

Four recent Doc Jazz music video uploads

Recently, four new Doc Jazz music videos were uploaded to the Youtube channel. What follows is an overview with some short descriptions. You can watch them right here! These music videos aren’t visually complex, in any way. No fancy video editing was done. Basically, they’re just already existing recordings that are somewhat less known. Each one of them features a...

Hans Sligter: instantly hooked to the music of Doc Jazz

Audiences in the West seem to be slowly but surely picking up on the music of Doc Jazz. A recent blog by Fred Mullins – which is highly recommended, read here – was followed up by this beautiful article sent by Hans Sligter (see photo), an accomplished singer, guitarist and songwriter from the Netherlands who is part of a trio...

Doc Jazz

New video “We Resist” is out!

Here is the new music video: “We Resist”!!! Previously, this song was launched under the title ‘Free Palestine’. Click on the image or on ‘Read More’ if you are on the frontpage of the website, or on the video below if you are on this specific page. On November 10, 2010, Doc Jazz released a music video for his new...