Tagged: Greece

Boats, Boycotts and Backdoor Politics

Boats, Boycotts and Backdoor Politics

By Tariq Shadid Like it or not, we are living in messy times, and the Middle East, bridge between three continents, is the region where many of the historical events of this troubled era are unfolding. The present chaotic situation also has a considerable impact upon the Palestinian struggle for liberation and independence, making it nearly impossible to view this...

Interview with Chris Verweij, activist on the Dutch Flotilla boat

Interview with Chris Verweij, activist on the Dutch Flotilla boat

By Ikram Jaballah, Wijblijvenhier – translated from original version in Dutch by docjazz.com. On June 22nd, the Dutch delegation of Freedom Flotilla II had gathered on Corfu, after months of preparations. After receiving training sessions in non-violent self-defense, they were ready to sail on the 25th. In the mean time  a lot has happened, including organizational delays, sabotaged boats,  and...

Greece proves it: no massacre needed to stop a Flotilla

Greece proves it: no massacre needed to stop a Flotilla

I wish to be clear about one thing: this is article is NOT a compliment to the Greek government. Greece has played a treacherous role in the recent Freedom Flotilla saga , and undoubtedly had long decided to stop the boats before it actually implemented its slavish role in maintaining the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Despite the long history of...

Freedom Flotilla song: free download, music video and lyrics!

Freedom Flotilla song: free download, music video and lyrics!

We have been anticipating it for so long, and there has been much ado about it, but finally the moment has arrived: Freedom Flotilla 2 is sailing! While the Israeli government has been going out of its way to put pressure on governments and nations to prevent this brave Flotilla, it has largely failed in its efforts, due to the...