Tagged: dubai

Everything To Me re-released with new music video

“Everything To Me” is a song from Doc Jazz’s 2008 album inSURGency, which saw a re-release yesterday on Youtube, with a brand new music video. The new release, at this moment, remains on Youtube, and will not as of yet appear on other music carriers. The song is a slow, sweet and funky ballad, focused around synthesizers, drums, and vocals....

'Hungry' was composed for Samer Issawi

Did ‘Hungry’ make a difference? Ask a Genie!

The Musical Intifada does not have a section where emails from fans and visitors are routinely published. After all, this site is not a ‘magazine’. However, I received an email from a fan that I found so thought-provoking that I decided to publish some of the communication here, with permission of course. The sender calls herself ‘Genie’, which apparently is...