Tagged: composer

Reem Kelani

Reem Kelani’s overview of 2013: “many wonderful experiences”

Palestinian artist Reem Kelani has had a busy 2013, that’s for sure. On her website, she published an overview of all the things she has been up to this year. An impressive string of accomplishments, from this impressive vocalist, composer and musicologist who continues to contribute to the preservation of Palestinian folkore, tradition and continued musical development through her valuable...

Composer Philip Munger honors the music of Doc Jazz

On Saturday, November 24th, 2012, Philip Munger wrote a piece on his blog which, in his own words, aimed to honor the music of Doc Jazz. Coming from an accomplished college music educator and composer like Philip Munger, this is indeed a wonderful endorsement that is quite encouraging and is received by the Musical Intifada in thankfulness and solidarity. Philip...

Nabil Mansour: rising Palestinian star from Barcelona 

In the vast world of music in the Spanish language, a gifted and talented Palestinian musician is making sure the voice of his people is heard, in a way that in some ways is similar to what Doc Jazz is doing with music in the English language.   His name is Nabil Mansour, and his music is sophisticated, easy on...