Tagged: arab

Doc Jazz

New music video ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ scheduled for release this Friday

The release date for the new song and music video ‘Al Jeel Al Jadeed’ is finally coming near!   The montage is finished and the video is currently undergoing the post-production process. The plan is to release it on Youtube this Friday, October 11th!   The Musical Intifada is very excited about this new release, and we hope that you...

What they told the Palestinian

Do you want to know what they told the Palestinian? First, they told him he did not exist. Then they told him he wasn’t Palestinian, just Arab. In the mean time they were spending a lot of effort on brainwashing the remaining Arabs that they weren’t Arabs, but Jordanians, Iraqis, Saudis, Egyptians, Libyans and Yemenis. Then they told the Palestinian...

Natacha Atlas BDS? Great, but some criticism is due

All of us BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions)-supporters undoubtedly are happy to see any artist join the boycott against the racist Zionist entity that calls itself ‘Israel’. Therefore, there is reason to applaud Natacha Atlas’ recent decision to cancel the performances that she had scheduled there. However, a closer look at this issue and this artist reveals that this enthusiasm...

Mona Eltahawy Speaks To J-Street, But Who Is She Speaking For?

Mona Eltahawy Speaks To J-Street, But Who Is She Speaking For?

Reproduced from Ikhras.com. Although the Musical Intifada mainly presents original articles, it occasionally posts articles from other websites. Mona Eltahawy who takes pride in being “the first Egyptian journalist to live and to work for a western news agency in Israel” was a big hit at this year’s J-Street gathering.  This is a video of her opening remarks at the...