Tagged: apartheid

Roger Waters

Open Letter to Roger Waters: Don’t Drop Your Boycott Call

Dear Roger,   I feel fortunate that I don’t need to explain to you what the devastating effects of Israel’s expansionist policies have been, and continue to be. You are very well informed, and quite aware of the extensive misery that has befallen our people since the ethnic cleansing of our land in 1948 by Zionist terror organizations, the occupation...

Symbolic wedding at Hizma checkpoint

Love in a Time of Apartheid: Israeli Forces Disrupt Wedding

RAMALLAH – The bride, a Palestinian with Israeli citizenship, the groom, a Palestinian from the West Bank, accompanied by tens of activists approached Hizma checkpoint from its two sides and demanded their right to love and live without racist and separation policies. Using tear-gas and sound bombs, Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint prevented the bride and the groom from meeting...

Hip-Hop ondersteunt Palestijnse hongerstakers

door Sadika Arab, oorspronkelijk gepubliceerd op Wijblijvenhier Ik schreef al eerder over Samer Issawi, die inmiddels al zover is dat hij maar liefst 200 dagen in hongerstaking is. De wilskracht waarmee hij zich tegen zijn onrechtmatige gevangenschap verzet, is typerend voor de volhardende houding van het Palestijnse volk onder de Israëlische bezetting. Ondertussen krijgt Samer wereldwijd steeds meer steun, zoals...

Nakba-denial: whitewashing Zionist crimes

By Tariq Shadid – Remember the old days, before the Oslo accords, when we all knew what it meant to be pro-Palestinian? In those days, there was barely any disagreement on what should be the aim of the struggle: one democratic state for all, that makes no distinction on the basis of ethnicity or religion, with Jerusalem as its capital,...