Tagged: amsterdam

Why you should listen to the music of Doc Jazz

By Imane M. – translated from Dutch – Soon, on May 12th, Doc Jazz will come and perform his songs in Amsterdam. I don’t want to miss it, and you shouldn’t want to miss it either! Maybe you are thinking: ‘Doc Jazz? Old-fashioned jazz music with all kinds of complex improvisations? Not for me!’ Well, I am a big fan...

Doc Jazz to perform in Amsterdam on May 12 – spread the word!

Doc Jazz is coming back briefly to the land where he was born: the Netherlands. Just like in 2011, he is planning to attend an annual surgical conference there – and just like last year, fans and friends have made a start with organizing a performance in the country’s capital Amsterdam.   In May 2011, Doc Jazz was featured in...

Over our dead bodies

Over our dead bodies

by Tariq Shadid – Hypocrisy runs worldwide; it is known as one of mankind’s ugliest traits. However, at some points in time, at certain locations, it takes such wildly ludicrous shapes that it turns human beings into caricatures of themselves. One such example can be found at the official Israeli response to the recent desecration of 15 Muslim gravestones at...

Impressions from the Doc Jazz tour in the Netherlands

Doc Jazz has had an eventful week in the Netherlands and Belgium, with 4 performances, 3 radio appearances and an interview with a Dutch magazine, which all took place between May 13 and May 21. The performances were at fundraising events for causes relating to Palestine; the event in Brussels was aimed at collecting funds for the Askar refugee camp...