Tagged: nakba

Doc Jazz

Four recent Doc Jazz music video uploads

Recently, four new Doc Jazz music videos were uploaded to the Youtube channel. What follows is an overview with some short descriptions. You can watch them right here! These music videos aren’t visually complex, in any way. No fancy video editing was done. Basically, they’re just already existing recordings that are somewhat less known. Each one of them features a...

Road to Tantura

Road to Tantura: visualizing the Palestinian Nakba

Road to Tantura is an important and promising documentary by Hala Gabriel, that will be released soon. It deals with the history and present of Tantura, a fishing village south of Haifa, that was ethnically cleansed by Zionist terror brigades on May 22, 1948. The catastrophe (‘Nakba’ in Arabic) of Zionist ethnic cleansing struck hundreds of Palestinian villages and towns...

Israel-normalisatie: de Judaskus van de integratie

Door Tariq Shadid – Wie in Nederland opgroeit in een gezin afkomstig uit een Islamitisch land, krijgt meestal een stukje bagage van de ouders mee over de Palestijnse tragedie. Buiten de deur, in de Israel-adorerende maatschappij, is de situatie echter wezenlijk anders. Op school, in de media, en in de sociale omgang wordt doorgaans de Israëlische invalshoek op het geheel...

Analysis of the song Right of Return

I consider the song “Right of Return”, although not necessarily my most popular song with the audience in musical terms, to be one of my most important works. There are a number of reasons why I see it this way. First of all, according to my view, the Right of Return is the heart of the Palestinian cause. Without putting...